RiteCare Colorado
Helping Children Communicate
Speech, Language, and Literacy
RiteCare Colorado’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for Colorado’s children and their families by supporting high quality, collaborative programs for the prevention and treatment of childhood language disorders.
Through our various programs, SRF assists nearly 1000 children annually.

Speech Therapy
The Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado (RiteCare) annually provides grants to ten speech-language partners. Qualification is determined based upon need and family income. Since its formation in 1953, the Foundation has provided services to over 23,000 children.

Treasure Chest Program
Early Language
Treasure Chest Program: the advancement of early childhood learning and language skills serving children and families in low income and underserved communities.
The Treasure Chest program supports nearly 400 children every year.

Early Language and Literacy Training
RiteCare partners provide early language and literacy training for preschool-age children in selected communities. These RiteCare partners do not provide speech therapy but will make referrals for children who have speech-language problems.

Graduate Scholarship Assistance
RiteCare scholarships
The Foundation awards graduate-level scholarships in speech-language pathology. The scholarships are awarded, on a competitive basis, to second year Master’s Degree students attending either the University of Northern Colorado or the University of Colorado at Boulder. Since 2003 88 students have received $5,000 RiteCare scholarships.
RiteCare Programs
These three programs are offered outside the traditional brick and mortar structure of the typical therapy clinic ~ programs conducted “beyond clinic walls” and are highlighted below
The internet-based delivery of speech therapy for children and families in rural or underserved communities in Colorado.
Community Benefit Grants
Aim: To encourage RiteCare Partners to engage more fully in parent education and/or family community language and literacy enrichment programs. Nine such grants funded in 2021.
Camp Programs
The delivery of speech therapy and instruction in a natural environment which motivates the development of long-lasting learning.
Promise to Care
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Support RiteCare Colorado
RiteCare Colorado’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for Colorado’s children and their families by supporting high quality, collaborative programs for the prevention and treatment of childhood language disorders.
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