RiteView Winter 2024 Newsletter

Celebrating Success and Dedication: A Look at the Remarkable Work of RiteCare Programs in 2023
The arrival of the new year, 2024, brings with it a sense of joy and adventure. As we begin each new year, it is essential to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable services provided by the dedicated professionals in the RiteCare and Treasure Chest programs. In particular, our gratitude extends to the talented speech-language pathologists, learning therapists, and early interventionists who contribute daily to the well-being of families and children.
A heartfelt appreciation goes out to the talented individuals who make up the backbone of RiteCare programs. Their skills, passion, and commitment professional growth, play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of the families and children they serve (page 8, Grand Collaboration with Laura Cooper). Special recognition is extended to the Scottish Rite Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Mr. Bryant Harris for their unwavering support and dedication. The success of RiteCare programs wouldn’t be possible without the collaborative spirit that exists within the organization. A special mention goes to the twenty Masons around the state who selflessly contribute to the Foundation’s Appraisal/Assessment Committees. Their involvement reflects a true partnership in the pursuit of a shared mission.
Within these pages, the RiteView showcases the outstanding work of RiteCare programs, emphasizing the joyous celebrations and transformative journeys experienced by the families. The clinical expertise, time, and dedication invested by the team shine through in every story.
As we move forward, the commitment to improving services remains unwavering. We look forward to sharing the accomplishments of each RiteCare program in our next issue which will highlight our key accomplishments from 2023. In closing, a sincere thank you is extended to each member of the RiteCare team. Your dedication shines through in the stories shared, and the impact on the lives you touch is immeasurable. Here’s to continued growth, collaboration, and success as we work together to enhance the services provided for the children and families throughout the state. As always, your unwavering commitment is the driving force behind our shared mission

Kristin Uhler, Ph.D.
Kelley Family/Schlessman Family Scottish Rite Masons Chair in Childhood Language Disorders
RiteView Quarterly Newsletter May – August 2023
Update from Kristin Uhler, Ph.D., The Kelley Family/Schlessman Family Scottish Rite Masons Chair...
Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado
The Scottish Rite Foundation’s mission was established because Scottish Rite Masons recognized that Speech and language skills are fundamental to a child’s development. Early intervention in speech-language therapy can address various communication disorders, from stuttering to language delays.
The focus of Freemasonry, to make good men better; and through our development, to make the world a better place, drives our contributions to the world. Three areas in which we train ourselves are: cognitive development, social development, and emotional development. We study our ritual to develop our minds, share what we learn and understand to create a more cohesive and understanding society and through those efforts we develop emotional bonds and balance that we then can share with the world. When we support our RiteCare partners, we offer children some of these very same benefits.
Speech and language skills support cognitive development. When a child learns to communicate, it opens doors to learning, thinking, problem-solving, and understanding the world around them. Early speech and language interventions not only provide the scaffolding for academic success, but also are fundamental to social interactions. Speech-language therapy helps children learn to communicate, thereby enhancing their ability to participate in social activities. This social competence is crucial for developing friendships, working in teams, and navigating various social settings throughout life.
All of these core needs are supported through the generous donations made to the Scottish Rite Foundation. The impact of Scottish Rite Masons is not just an abstract financial exchange. There is a very personal component to the outcomes. The Foundation receives many thank you notes from families, and I would like to share an excerpt from one of those notes.
“Our hearts overflow with thanks for the chance you’ve given Amelia to thrive, and for her siblings to be a part of this [Talking With Technology Camp] transformative experience. Watching Amelia learn and grow through AAC technology has been a testament to your expertise and passion. Your love for what you do shines through, and it’s clear that you’ve created an environment where our children can flourish.”
The Board of Trustees and I look forward to helping you all to shine more light on the world through assisting children to communicate. If you are ever in doubt about the need for Scottish Rite Masonry in the world, come visit with me. I will share stories, personal notes, and maybe a chance to see our RiteCare partners in action.

Submitted by: L. Bryant Harris, 32° Knight Commander of the Court of Honor Executive Secretary, Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado

Thanks and Appreciation to Scottish Rite Foundation

Update for Centro de la Familia
Happy Holidays to everyone in the Treasure Chest Program! Centro has enjoyed being able to provide high quality and engaging learning materials and opportunities to support speech and language development once again to families and children in our Head Start program throughout the Western Slope of Colorado. This quarter, we provided activities based on the themes of transportation, weather/seasons and dinosaurs.
Materials were made available in English and Spanish to meet the needs of the families we serve. We were thrilled to have several parents volunteer their time to assist our staff in packaging up the materials in preparation for disbursement to families. As an agency to places parent engagement as a top priority, we recognize the value of the time parents devote to enriching and supporting the development of their children!
The feedback we have received from the families receiving Treasure Chest materials has been overwhelmingly fantastic! Families reported particular enjoyment with the materials related to rainbows, including making rainbow cupcakes and looking up pictures of rainbows online. We love that the materials we are able to share spark further learning and growth for our little learners! Each bag that families received included a variety of activities including art and cooking supplies, sensory materials, books, a puzzle and more.
We were able to serve a total of 65 children, including 45 preschoolers and 20 infant/toddlers. We look forward to continuing to serve the children and families in the coming year through the Treasure Chest program! Centro de la Familia would like to express our gratitude to Scottish Rite for allowing us the opportunity to participate in the Treasure Chest program, and for their continued support and funding that allows us to do all we can to promote speech and language development.
Submitted by Lisa Morgan, Treasure Chest Program Coordinator, Grand Junction

Children’s Speech and Reading Center (CSRC) has been providing pre-literacy/early literacy programs for over 13 years at multiple preschools in the Fort Collins and Loveland communities. Thanks to the Scottish Rite Foundation for funding this program so that there is no cost to families. SRF is making it possible for countless children who are at risk of reading challenges to get a head start at an early age. CSRC therapists are currently working with 76 children, in five (5) local preschools, for the 2023-2024 cohort. Our therapists plan many different types of activities to teach and reinforce the phonological skills targeted in our program. We look forward to seeing the progress that these children will demonstrate for early literacy skills before they begin kindergarten in the fall of 2024.

CSRC is currently providing individual therapy to 17 clients in our clinic. CSRC continues to look for ways to reach community members who would benefit from SRF’s generous scholarships.
Thank you to the Scottish Rite Foundation for your continued support of CSRC’s mission to build a foundation for children’s learning and reading success!
Submitted by: Cheryl Campbell, RiteCare Program Director Children’s Speech & Reading Center, Ft. Collins
The University of Northern Colorado Updates
The UNC Speech-Language Pathology Program just completed a great Fall semester! We welcomed a new cohort of 27 graduate students who participated in the Greeley Treasure Chest program. They gained valuable hands-on experience conducting parent coaching sessions and teaching strategies to promote early language development. These first-year students will continue to participate in the Treasure Chest Program in the spring semester and are excited to work with many new families in the coming months! In early December, first and second year graduate students participated in the SEVA Community Holiday Fiesta in Greeley. They organized a holiday craft and distributed materials to local families to recruit for the Treasure Chest program. Over 150 children attended!
We are incredibly thankful for the generous support of the Scottish Rite Foundation and will continue working to make a positive impact in our community by supporting children and families!
Submitted by: Caitlin Raaz, RiteCare Program Director University of Northern Colorado, Greeley

Children’s Hospital Colorado AAC Mentorship Program
In 2023, our Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Mentorship program is proud to have had the opportunity to feature Hannah, a seasoned user of Speech Generating Devices (SGD). With a wealth of experience, Hannah has delivered compelling presentations on diverse subjects, including literacy, dispelling AAC myths, and emphasizing the importance of a collaborative approach for individuals with complex communication needs. The program has drawn attendees from across the country, encompassing professionals and families eager to deepen their understanding. A distinctive feature of these sessions is the active participation of attendees, engaging with Hannah through insightful questions, fostering a dynamic learning environment that benefits professionals and families seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge of AAC.
Hannah’s mentorship experience at Talking with Technology camp supported a skillset for providing additional mentorship opportunities within the AAC program at Children’s Hospital Colorado, thanks to the support of the Scottish Rite Foundation.
Submitted by: Kellie Sitarz, Speech-Language Pathologist, Children’s Hospital Colorado

As 2023 comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado for the ongoing support provided to our speech/language program at Mountain View Therapy at Montrose Regional Health. Numerous families over the past 24 years of our affiliation with the RiteCare program have been able to enroll their children in needed speech/language therapy because of their assistance. Thank you to the members of our local Appraisal Committee, as well as the Scottish Rite Masons who offer their time and talents for “our kids”. Enjoy some pictures from our recent Holiday party. It was a great success.
St. Mary’s Holiday Celebration
The first Saturday in December is our yearly Christmas celebration with the children from our speech and language program, their families, the therapists, and the Masons coming together for breakfast with Santa. December 2 was the date for this year’s Christmas party. Jimmy McBride, one of our appraisal committee board members and his fellow Masons created a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, ham, juice, and coffee for close to 200 people. The party started at 8:30 in the morning with many families still present at 11:00 that morning. The St. Mary’s team provided a cotton candy machine where the children could pick from 10 assorted flavors of candy and watch their cotton candy swirl. We had candy cane fishing, Christmas bow scooping races, reindeer antler ring toss, tattoos, and face painting. Before leaving the celebration, each child had the opportunity to talk with Santa, receive a new book and get their family’s picture taken with Santa. It was a wonderful way to start the holidays and to celebrate the relationship between St. Mary’s Hospital, the Scottish Rite Foundation, the children, and their families’.
Submitted by: Amy Brophy-Neilsen, RiteCare Program Director, St. Mary’s Hospital Grand Junction
A Grand Partnership:
Children’s Hospital Colorado and Western Slope Rite Care Clinics
The Western Slope Scottish Rite Care Clinics have been participating in a shared partnership with the Children’s Hospital Colorado Autism team since April 2020 with the goal of elevating the care provided to autistic children and their families. Over the course of the program, presentations have been provided on educational topics relevant to autistic individuals in tandem with video case reviews and team discussions on best practice in therapeutic approaches, goal & report writing, and caregiver coaching. In addition to Western Slope exclusive trainings and presentations, the Rite Care Clinic therapists have been invited to participate in Children’s Hospital Colorado internal programming with a focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
As a result of this partnership and the incredible generosity of the Scottish Rite Masons, an outreach trip occurred to the Rite Care Clinics in Craig, Grand Junction, and Montrose. As Clinical Practice Specialists for their respective ASD programs at Children’s Hospital Colorado, Laura Cooper, M.S., CCC-SLP and Amy Lowell, M.S. OTL/R completed on-site visits with the teams in September 2023. During the visits, Laura and Amy were able to take site tours and observe therapy all while brainstorming and discussing best practice therapeutic approaches with each team. Following the on-site visit, each clinic director received an after-visit report outlining key take aways, suggestions, and recommended next steps. Feedback from the Rite Care Clinic therapists was positive. We look forward to continued partnership to ensure meaningful therapeutic supports for all autistic patients and their families across the great state of Colorado.
St. Mary’s Hospital, Grand Junction
Memorial Regional Health Rehab Center, Craig
Montrose Regional Health
Submitted by: Laura Cooper, Speech-Language Pathologist, Children’s Hospital Colorado
Address and Contact Information
(Alphabetical order by City)
Aurora (Denver Metro Area)
Department of Audiology, Speech Pathology, & Learning Services
13123 East 16th Avenue B-030
Aurora, CO 80045
2501 Kittredge Loop Road
Campus Box 409
Boulder, CO 80309
Colorado Springs
Therapy Care at Printer’s Park
175 South Union Blvd. Ste. 255
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Fort Collins
1330 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Grand Junction
Language Development Clinic
2686 Patterson Road
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences
Department of Communication Disorders
Gunter Hall 1400
Campus Box 140
Greeley, CO 80639
Pediatric Rehabilitation
711 N. Taylor Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
Mountain View Therapy
800 South Third Street
Montrose, CO 81401
704 Fortino Blvd., Suite A
Pueblo, CO 81008

RiteView Quarterly Newsletter May – August 2023
Update from Kristin Uhler, Ph.D., The Kelley Family/Schlessman Family Scottish Rite Masons Chair in Childhood Language Disorders.